ブックタイトルThe Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show Official Guide Book Nagaoka Hanabi


このページは The Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show Official Guide Book Nagaoka Hanabi の電子ブックに掲載されている2ページの概要です。


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The Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show Official Guide Book Nagaoka Hanabi

01 02Special Features ofNagaoka FireworksA total of 20,000 fireworks shells are launched during thetwo nights of the Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show.The dynamic event is held against the backdrop of theShinano River, the longest river in Japan. The mostspectacular and magnificent fireworks color the summernight sky of Nagaoka.The citizens of Nagaoka will never forget 10:30 p.m. onAugust 1st, 1945. In the waning stages of the Pacific War,125 B-29 bombers flew over Nagaoka, wave after wave,and burned down nearly 80% of the dountown area.The air raid claimed a confirmed 1,486 lives according tocurrent research.The Nagaoka Festival for Restoration from War Devastationwas held on August 1st,1946 to designate this day as a dayfor citizens to focus their thoughts on restoration. Thisevent is the origin of the annual festival, which was laterrenamed the Nagaoka Festival with the revival of theSho-Sanjakudama (3-foot-diameter shell fireworks).The City of Nagaoka experienced the devastation of twowars, the Hokuetsu Boshin Civil War and the Pacific War.Even though the city was reduced to rubble during thesewars, the city rose again like the Phoenix, the legendarybird, after each time of hardships.