ブックタイトルThe Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show Official Guide Book Nagaoka Hanabi


このページは The Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show Official Guide Book Nagaoka Hanabi の電子ブックに掲載されている6ページの概要です。


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The Nagaoka Festival Grand Fireworks Show Official Guide Book Nagaoka Hanabi

05 06NoNagaokaHanabiPhoenix FireworksWishing fora Complete RecoveryMany years of wishesThe Phoenix rises againHere in ChuetsuPhoenix Fireworks were born in 2005,one year after the Great Chuetsu Earthquakehit. Since then, the fireworks have beenlaunched annually in order to encouragemany people in the Chuetsu Region aswell as in other areas in Niigata Prefectureto move forward despite the hardshipswe experienced during the disaster.The Phoenix Fireworks were started bypeople who wished for a swift recoveryfrom the damage caused by the disasterand who wanted to display magnificentfireworks, in which we can take prideas one of the best fireworks displays inthe world..02